” As an adult, I’ve always used my kitchen to exercise my daily right to make my home a safe, calm, loving, holy place for my family and friends. And, because it works, it’s become my life’s work (and joy) to teach other people how to do it, too. It’s become an important part of my personal recipe for making lives better.”
The Hands-On-Food’s Rikers Island Project has been going strong for almost eleven years. We are very proud of the program we founded and helped sustain for over a decade on Rikers, but we have only just begun to make a difference. Since then, we also launched a Culinary Arts/Life Skills program at the Brooklyn Residential Center, for female juvenile delinquents who were remanded to this residence for 3 months to 1 year. The program has been amazing!
Lauren, via Hands-On-Food, looks forward to continuing to do what she can to help make a positive impact on the lives—and futures—of high risk individuals and their ensuing families.
Hands-On-Food Hopes…
Lauren is hoping to create a culinary scholarship program, to help selected students to continue to study after re-entering society. She is also accumulating donated books to create a “spiritual growth/self-mastery library” inside of a local correctional facility.
We hope that you will consider making a contribution to help us to provide even greater outreach. To learn more about how to make a tax-deductible donation to this licensed non-profit organization, please send Lauren an email at asklauren@laurengroveman.com.
Thank you so very much for your interest in Hands-On-Food.