How Religious are You?

I went to a beautiful bar mitzvah ceremony a few weeks ago and, while watching and taking it all in, I was thinking about what it means to live a religious life. Is it about familiar foods? Is it about being with family and friends? Is it about steeping ourselves in ancient philosophic text to connect us to the principals that brought us to where we are now?  Is it all in order to help us navigate how we will live tomorrow?  Yes, maybe, but it’s an opportunity for more than that.

Anyone can be “religious” without a calendar dictating their moves. Every day, we can establish and revisit our core values. Every day, we can get out of bed with a sense of purpose and then do things to support that purpose.  Every day gives us the opportunity to practice how to be what we want to see in the world. Being religious is when we do things to push through those pesky, limiting beliefs even when it feels really hard-Because nothing short of the bigger picture will suffice.

To me, holidays are here to help us to stop- and to examine how religious we are in life, in general. This year, since the week of Passover begins on Good Friday, it’s a particularly great time to begin. Sending love to you.

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