Sometimes we get derailed-it happens to all of us. Times when life brings unexpected challenges and responsibilities that cause the feeling of overwhelm and an abrupt “about-face” of our focus. Although it’s easy to get caught up in the worry that we won’t get back to long-term goals, this only deepens the feeling of self-disappointment and the fear of being powerless.
I’d like to encourage you to, during these times, which can last for several days and sometimes longer, to allow yourself to just “be” and to speak to yourself with kindness-trusting that this new dimension is a part of your story that you can handle. Warring with yourself and circumstances, only makes things more difficult and, ultimately, can affect the quality of your ability to accomplish something that’s not expected, but that’s now required. Whether it’s a new dimension at work, a sudden shift in your social life, an all-of-a-sudden health issue or simply needing to invest extra time and energy to be there for a family member or a friend in need, It’s OK to hop off of social media, to back up, regroup-and to digest what’s right in front of you. Allowing yourself to do this, without apology or judgment, is actually how we assert our authenticity- to ourselves.
Depending on what life brings, we all inevitably will, occasionally, need to reassess our goals, both short and long-term-and that’s OK! Being authentic is fluid, not fixed-Open, not closed and will always require (and deserve) the room and time it takes to let the initial feeling of overwhelm to first bubble up-and then settle down. Only then can we get the clarity it takes to either create a fresh plan or to resume an existing one